Sunday, March 24, 2019

Vlog Time

This week in place of my blog post I am going to entertain you with a vlog about my progress, inspirations and future plans. I will supply all my dedicated readers with a midweek blog post though so that you don't miss out on any exciting details. This week i am learning to play "Clocks", by Coldplay, which will be my first full song that I learn. Without further ado, here is my vlog:

Genius Project Vlog 2 from jake on Vimeo.


  1. Hey Jake! Since I'm playing the piano in my project as well, I understand how frustration has an impact on one's productivity. You seem to be doing a great job trying to combat a lack of motivation. Personally, I like listening to pop music with piano in it, since that's the style I'm aiming to replicate, but you should listen to songs that imitate your playing style to help promote progress. One thing I would try to do when playing is to show the listener more emotion. I think you struggle a bit with this sometimes in your voice, so this might be a challenge to consider tackling. It will add depth to your playing and make you sound very professional! Keep it up!

  2. Great work this week, Jake! Your passion for playing piano was really reflected in this vlog. A lot interesting info, especially on music theory, but my favorite part was the end card.

    - Santo

  3. That was Wacko. Your piano skills blew me away and they exceeded my expectations by FAR! I was not expecting to hear you play Piano Man this early on in your journey. I appreciate that you are watching famous piano players to model your own playing. Personally, I enjoyed the end screen the most out of the whole vlog. I think you could have a side career as a Photoshop pro! Best of luck!
